Saturday, November 13, 2010

What's in a face?

At the risk of sounding like an episode of "Sex in the City" - do you really know what kind of romantic partner you want?

I just came across this interesting article at BBC Science.  You do a "Face Perception" test (where you choose 20 out of 40 somewhat-creepy faces).  Based on your preferences, they tell you what kind of partner you really go for.  

Intrigued?  So was I.  According to them, first impressions may be right.

In fairness, I didn't learn much from the quiz or article (apparently I go for faces that are 50% introvert, and 50% extrovert), but the quiz is kind of fun.

Thanks to Rofo at for sharing this info!


H.R said...

Yolanda, thanks a lot for linking to my blog.

Tish Jett said...

Hello, Yolanda,

What a pleasure to meet you and discover your fascinating blog. You are brilliantly creative I see.

I'll be back. In the meantime I shall join your followers.

Warmest regards,

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